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Remineralize & Restore


You're in need of a health make-over. You've tried it all but are still struggling to heal a number of symptoms, feeling overwhelmed. My signature R&R program is for you! You'll receive high touch support, guidance + accountability, with a gentle mind-body approach.

  • fully-inclusive mind-body coaching

  • 4 + 6 month program options

  • 90-min health/stress history session

  • 60-min mineral lab review session

  • 60-min food as medicine session

  • 60-min check-in sessions every 3 weeks

  • EFT tapping in-session for stress relief/emotional release

  • hair tissue mineral analysis kit(s)

  • full iron blood panel 

  • Food As Medicine Guide

  • personalized protocol + session recaps 

  • mineral lab spreadsheet

  • unlimited email support â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

Mineral Insights


Your health is pretty optimal and self-implementing a new health protocol is easy. You simply want to fine-tune with insights from hair tissue mineral analysis + receive a mini recommendation plan.

  • Trace Elements HTMA kit ($110 value)

  • 90-min health history + interpretation session

  • results + recommendations spreadsheet

  • discount off Remineralize & Restore program​

Guided EFT "Tapping"


You want to reduce stress, release stored emotions, get unstuck from procrastination, reduce cravings/chronic pain that may be emotionally-related, work through limiting beliefs + learn a somatic self-application tool for navigating life stress.

  • three 60-min guided Emotional Freedom Technique sessions for stress relief + gentle emotional release​​​t

  • most goals take at least three sessions to explore


I'm ready.
Where do I find pricing? 

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